Monday 27 March 2017

10 things that made me happy in March

Image from Pixabay

1. Managing my work

This month, I've started feeling better about my final year workload. My dissertation is finally coming together, essay planning is underway and I'm looking forward to enjoying the last few months of uni. I've felt so stressed since Christmas, thinking that I'd never be able to complete my dissertation or have control of my work but I can see it starting to take shape.

2. Meeting new people

I love meeting new people and exploring new opportunities and this month has been full of them! I'm in contact with so many more bloggers, industry professionals and have enjoyed meeting new people and getting to know them.

3. It's finally Spring!

My favourite season is in full swing; longer days, brighter evenings, warmer weather and cooler drinks. The dull winter is long gone and it's looking more like Spring. People just seem so much happier when the sun's out and having the sun shining definitely helps when I'm trying to complete assignments.

4. I paid off my holiday

It's such a relief when you pay off a holiday and I've finally got round to doing it. This year's holiday is a pretty expensive one so I couldn't wait to pay it off, now I just want to go! I can use the extra money to buy plenty of holiday clothes now.

5. September can't come soon enough

I know it's only March and we've still got the summer to enjoy but I just can't wait to start teaching in September. This month, my timetable was sent out, along with a portfolio of how the year will run and how I'll be assessed and it's really made it all seem so much more exciting. Bring it on.

6. Catching up with friends

I really don't see my friends enough. When it comes to organised meals, nights out and shopping trips, it always seems as though dates don't work out or things get re-scheduled. This month, I caught up with some of my lovely friends and I can't wait to be able to see them a lot more after uni.

7. Graduation

Last week, I finally received my graduation date. Although it's not for another 8 months, I'm already looking forward to the day. Having graduation in mind has given me so much motivation to complete my work to the best of my ability and have a goal set in my mind.

8. Spoiling my Mum

I love buying gifts for my Mum and she definitely deserves a lot more than I can afford but I enjoyed spoiling her this Mother's Day. I also fought hard to find the perfect present for my Nan's birthday but finally settled on some summer essentials from her favourite shop.

9. My sister came home

My sister lives away at university and although I speak to her every day, I don't see her as much as I'd like. She came home for Mother's Day weekend to celebrate our Nan's birthday and see the family, which was lovely.

10. Work experience

I completed a weeks work experience at Gloucestershire Live and the Gloucestershire Echo at the start of March, which I really enjoyed. I spent the week talking to new people, interviewing shop owners, writing pieces for online and newspapers and having lot of laughs in the office. It was such a good week, made even better by having 5 published pieces in the paper.

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