Thursday 25 August 2016

10 random facts about me

A little insider into a few things about me. What I like, what I don't and some of my favourite things...

1. My favourite place in the world is New York. I like lots of cities and love the Cotswolds, but nothing will ever come close to the feeling you get in NYC.

2. My greatest achievement was getting into uni. I believe everything happens for a reason and since being at uni, I've seen how much my life, attitude and ambitions have changed for the better.

3. My biggest regret is not doing anything for myself, when I needed to the most.

4. If I could wish for anything, it would be for free travel. There's so many places I want to visit and I'm too impatient to save for years!

5. My most expensive purchase will be my car (once I pay it all off!).

6. When I was about 15, I was obsessed with One Direction. Completely obsessed. I've seen them 4 times.

7. I love writing lists. I write down lists for everything; packing for holiday, shopping at Christmas, things I need to do. Just generally anything I feel needs to be organised.

8. I'm actually quite shy. I seem confident, talk for England and love getting to know people but I definitely put a front up to hide my shyness and insecurities.

9. I am obsessed with chocolate, I can't get enough of it. I should probably stop...

10. I have never had a pet, but would love a dog.

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