Wednesday 1 March 2017

Up and Running

Image from Infinity House Magazine

At the beginning of 2017, I didn't make any resolutions. Instead, I decided to be spontaneous; try my best, do things that make me happy and take things as they come. Something I have stuck to, so far, is running frequently. And here's why...

I really enjoy running, however, it's something I've always struggled with. From cross country at middle school to bleep tests at high school, I was always trailing at the back, struggling on but still giving it a go! I love the idea of running, I'm sure many people can associate themselves with that, but when it actually comes to heading out, I feel silly and worry about being slow.

That's definitely changed. I don't care how slow I am running, I'm still lapping everyone sat on their sofas at home! My times have improved on every run I have done and I'm feeling the difference. I now look forward to going for a run and don't mind when I'm left at the back. It probably helps that I run around country villages, down lanes and through fields; it's so pretty and takes my mind off what I'm actually doing.

Another reason why I decide to start running was that it makes me happier. No, I'm not moody... but since starting university, I've been getting so stressed, especially now in my final year. Running takes my mind off the piles of work and assignments I have to complete and makes me think more positively, improving my motivation to do work and be more enthusiastic. 

So, although I may not be the best at running (I mean, I wouldn't even think about a 10K!), it's definitely made me a more energised, enthusiastic person. Oh, and I'm feeling a little happier about throwing on a bikini this summer too!


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