Monday 24 April 2017

Why it's ok to dream big

Image from Pexels

Do you sometimes question why you have ambitions and goals? I know I do. The idea that wanting to be proud of having a good job and stable income is something that is seen as a taboo subject - it's not moral, it's materialistic.

We are often told that money doesn't buy happiness, something that I completely agree with. Health, family, education and memories are the most important things to me and I wouldn't swap any of those for all of the money in the world.

But why can't I aim to have more? I'm aiming high and working seriously hard in order to get the grades I need to follow the career that I've always dreamed of. I see nothing wrong with that. I have a clear idea of where I want to be in 2, 5 and 10 years and for me, that's how I motivate myself. I would like to buy a house, travel to countries I've never been to, become a primary school teacher and be able to treat myself every so often.

There's just one problem - I don't like to talk about it because people think I'm being materialistic.

If you know me, you'll know that I'm the first person in my family to go to university and I've worked since I was 16, saving every bit of disposable income I have to be able to support myself through university and hopefully, in the future. The stigma of materialism needs to change. I don't buy designer pieces, get money from my parents or waste money on extravagant purchases and I enjoy saving for my future, something I am very lucky to be able to do.

"Working hard is the key."

Having goals is what motivates me to work hard, have a good career plan and save money. Money is the motivator - there, I said it. Older generations seem to believe that we are handed things on a plate; jobs, university places, houses, money, but it's really not the case.

Ambitions and realistic goals are positive and allow you to be able to pace yourself, in order to reach where you want to be with organisation and dedication. Working hard is the key and if that means sleepness nights, 4am alarms and closing myself away from the world for a little while, that's what it's going to be. If I didn't have plans for the future, I may treat money a little differently but at the moment, the future is my priority.

"It is what it is."

Delve into your ambitions, believe in yourself and as Anthony Joshua said in his recent victory speech: "I'm a little bit emotional, because I know I've got doubters that think that I can't do this and do that, but I dig deep. It is what it is."

A post shared by Anthony Joshua (@anthony_joshua) on

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